
Military Veterans' Lawyer Blog


VA Benefits and Back Problems

If you are experiencing back pain due to your military service, you can receive VA benefits, as long as you fulfill the necessary requirements. In order to receive any kind of benefits, you must demonstrate that you are a former member of the U.S. military with an honorable discharge, that…


Cancer and VA Benefits

Cancer can strike at any time, but it usually does not become active for years after the cause. Many veterans do not automatically make the connection between their time of service and their cancer diagnosis. But there are many exposures during military service that are presumed to cause cancer and…


Most Common Disabilities for Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines

Many of the most common ratable conditions that receive VA compensation occur regardless of the branch of the military in which you served – which is why they’re the most common. However, some conditions are seen more often in some branches than in others.             …


Common Eye Problems Related to Military Service

Eye problems are a common result of military service. As of 2018, over 250,000 veterans were receiving some degree of disability compensation. Eye conditions could be caused by injuries, exposure of some kind, illnesses, diseases, or complications from medication for service-related medical conditions. Many eye problems are secondary conditions or…


Medical Records and Other Documents You Need to Support Your VA Disability Claim

In order to receive disability compensation from the VA, you will need to demonstrate that you were honorably discharged from the U.S. military and that you have a condition that is connected to your military service: a direct connection, an aggravated connection, a secondary connection, or a presumptive connection.  In…


Getting a 100% Disability Rating with the VA and Additional Benefits

The 100% disability rating is the highest level of disability the VA offers, providing monthly payments along with full medical care for service-related conditions. Other benefits and compensation are also available. This rating can be reached in a number of ways.  Severe conditions If you have an extremely severe service-connected…


Mistakes Veterans Make when Filing Disability Claims with the VA

Applying for disability through the Veterans Administration can be a daunting task. In fact, many veterans make common mistakes that delay their claims or create incorrect denials or low disability ratings. You can avoid this delay by avoiding these common mistakes.  Waiting to file: Please don’t wait until you have…


Can You Still Work as a 100% Disabled Veteran?

Veterans with a 100% disability rating may be able to work, but depending on how you were awarded the rating, there may be limitations to how much you are allowed to earn. A 100% disability rating can be reached in several ways: One service-related condition that is rated at 100%…


Depression and Veterans

Depression occurs in veterans at a much higher rate than in the general population. It’s estimated that up to 14% of service members experience depression after deployment. However, many veterans have a problem proving a service connection to their depression.  Symptoms of depression include: Fatigue or lack of energy Loss…


Why Did the VA Deny My Claim?

If you are looking for help with your VA disability claim it is probably because you are frustrated by the process. After helping countless veterans with their disability claims, we know how confusing it can be. It is particularly difficult if you have received a denial letter and you do…

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