Military Retiree’s are Veterans Too – – Contact Congress and OPPOSE TRICARE fee increases

For those of you who have served, you know this Fact – – Military Retirees are Veterans. But it seems with Sequestration upon the United States, the Department of Defense at the urging of the White House has a solution – – have Military Retirees pay MORE IN TRICARE FEES.

Why raise TRICARE fees because of my favorite White House word “fairness.” The whole idea pushed for Obamacare was fairness for those without health care. But the WH states Military Retiree’s Health Care costs are not fair compared to the public.

But is it fair to give free health care to those who do nothing? And then conversely argue it is fair to force Veterans who are Military Retirees (remember Military Retirees include veterans who were medically retired due to Injuries) to pay ever increasing TRICARE fees. TRICARE raised all fees in 2012. No – – The proposal to keep raising TRICARE fees on the back of veterans is not fair.

Military Retirees are veterans WHO EARNED their Health Care. The attack on veterans health care has been on-going, but now is actually making it more difficult for veterans to keep their health care. Back in 2002, Col. Bud Day, Medal of Honor Recipient, argued for WW II and Korean veterans to receive their Health Care as promised. Raising fees for Military Retirees, i.e. Veterans, will take away earned health care and property, money, from veterans.

Military Retirees – – contact your Senators and Member of the Congressional House to stop this fleecing of Veterans who are Military Retirees. Military Retirees, who again are Veterans, EARNED their HEALTH CARE “rights” by 20+ years of service or by being medically retired due to a service-connected injury, event, or disease caused while protecting the United States. All U.S. citizens need to OPPOSE the White House’s attempt AGAIN to raise your TRICARE fees.

The White House and politicians change the dialogue. Instead of hearing a succinct statement of the truth that

The White House has decided Military Retirees with 20 years of service and medically retired service members who are both veteran’s are not deserving of low cost health insurance, as those in this country illegally are more deserving.

Military Retirees are presumed to opposed Democrats and Illegal’s are presumed to support Democrats. Therefore the WH proposes to RAISE TRICARE fees while at the same time pushing Obamacare to those who have not served.

Thus, the WH’s position is that Charging Veteran’s More for their Earned Health Care is more fair because this provides another means to generate revenue for the United States. Private Health insurance fees are NOT EQUIVALENT to Military Retiree’s fees, because military service is NOT EQUIVALENT to Public or even Political service.

The Law Office of Robert B. Goss, P.C., strongly opposes any fee increase on Veteran’s for their EARNED Health Care.

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